PEO:01           To Produce Pharmacy Professionals With Sound Pharmaceutical And Technological Insight And Skills To Fulfill The Healthcare Needs Of The Society, Technical Needs Of Pharmaceutical Industry and Educational need of Academics.

PEO:02           To provide students with strong fundamental and well defined concepts of various field of pharmaceutical sciences with theoretical & Practical learning

PEO:03           To develop interdisciplinary competence and sense of teamwork with highly strong communication skills, professional and ethical attitude.

PEO:04           To develop ability for in-depth analytical and critical thinking in order to identify, formulate and solve the issues related to Pharmaceutical Industry, Regulatory Agencies, Hospital Pharmacy & Community Pharmacy.

PEO:05           To train the students to contribute towards health care, Industrial and Academic System.

PEO:06           To encourage the students to participate in life-long learning process for a highly productive career and to relate the concepts of Pharmaceutical Sciences towards serving the cause of the society


PO: 01 Sound Pharmaceutical Theoretical & Practical Knowledge

PO: 02 Leadership ability and Entrepreneurship Skills

PO:03 Ability to use equipment, Instruments, Machines and software to perform experiments.

PO:04 Basic Integrity, Moral and Ethics

PO:05 Effective communication skill

PO:06 Socially active professional with aptitude of  lifelong learning

PO:07 Trained and skillful Pharmacists.

PO:08 Interdisciplinary Research & Development

 PO:09 Ability to understand industry and Academia need to execute the professional responsibility

PO:10 Develop the ability for analytical and critical thinking with problem solving attitude